Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I cannot keep a journal. I just can't do it. I don't know why. It's not a discipline issue. It's not that I think journals are for sissy's. It's not that I don't really want to . I just can't do it. It just like returning phone calls. I see the reason why I should, I see the benefits, and the pitfalls of not doing it, but I just can't do it. It's not like lifting weights. That's just stupid. Self-inflicted pain, not for me. Unless it's in the form of a break-up song, then I am all for it. Speaking of self-inflicted pain, Isn't the buying of pets masochistic in a certain way? I mean, you know it's going to die within 15 years. You know it. There's no allowance for the disillusionment and denial of 72 years that human existence supposedly has. Maybe there is. Maybe that's why people buy pets. But what about rodents?

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