Friday, March 12, 2010

When It's Warm

When people refer to the good 'ole days it makes me want to cry. Not because the good 'ole days were any better than today, but because the good 'ole days only ever exist in the past. I assume that the longing for the good 'ole days are the sign of bitterness and an inability to cope. One day, when life apparently is worse, you will look nostalgically on today, when you were complaining about how bad life was at the good ole days. I suggest that we end this pessimistic life sucker of an attitude immediately, and start being thankful to be alive today. I think nostalgia is a good thing in general, but I think people that assume a glory day of the past are just irrationally sad.
There are certain things that are not good things that some people in our society have tried to twist somehow, but whenever people try to say they are good things I know they are lying. Here are some things that are always true that people question from time to time.

Being sad stinks.
Snow is horrible. White is a bland color, therefore an entirely white terrain is bland. This is assuming that snow is always white. It is however mostly yellow or off white. Snow allows us to see the dog pee that the grass usually absorbs. Snow means its cold.
Warm is better than cold.
Being a nerd is the definition of NOT BEING COOL. That's the point emo kids.
You were just as bitter during the good ole days. You just think they are good now because you don't have to live them.

I'll be happier tomorrow. When its warm.

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