Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Has it really been since July 16th? I got caught up in my professional blog for Steamtown Church and neglected my personal blog. For what it's worth I'm back. And this is inspired by my wife, Mrs. Miller (Rachel). She started her own blog over the weekend. I read it the other day and its really very good. Better than mine I think. She has music, pictures, humor, and an ability to evoke tears. Her writing is surprisingly angsty. In short, her blog is everything mine is not, and it has made me want to apologize (not really) for being so Stoic. True. I am biased. But fortunately, I am also Stoic.
Mrs. Miller starting her own blog has also made me think about blogging in general. I feel that I started a blog for all the right reasons. I like writing. I do not like keeping a journal. I actually prefer typing to handwriting. Handwriting is too similar to drawing for my taste. Typing is faster, and more efficient. For the record, when I say writing, I don't mean strictly handwriting. And there is a distinction between merely typing and writing isn't there? Should anyone ever critique me for being a mere typist, I would then question my skill in writing. (Rambling on...) I did not start a blog to make a living, or to make people like me. I started it simply because I like writing. Of course I want people to read my posts. Of course I enjoy expressing myself. (I am a writer). But mostly I like writing. But the biggest mistake bloggers make when they start a blog is that they assume that people care enough about their opinions to read them. The key to successful blogging (I think) is to talk about issues that people care about. If that makes you feel like you have to sell some odd sense of authenticity, you shouldn't blog. But I always talk about what I think is important, and I never consider my audience. Maybe that's why I don't have much of an audience. But I'm okay with that. I like writing.

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