Friday, January 2, 2009

What's the Deal?

Here's what I think about humanity and culture. Our lack of love for one another is expressed in our fear of each other. Our fear of each other is expressed in our greed. Our greed is masked behind our jobs. And the people we really hate are the people who have risen above all of it. Because, if you love people, you're not afraid of them. If you're not afraid of them, then you're not in competition with them, and therefore you are not greedy. If you are not greedy, then you are not anxious. If you are not anxious, then you are complete. Reader, it's time for your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I agree we all are scared of our fraility and risk of vulnerabiltuy. Anything that is possbily an attack on our senses could possibly thwart what we view as reality. YET if we are grounded in Christ what is said is filtered through what HE says therefore directing not causing us to alter the reality of who we are..Perfect Love does cast out all fear..:)

Anonymous said...

Can one have a job and not be greedy?