Wednesday, November 11, 2009

High School

I find it difficult to be nostalgic about High School. I'm not bitter. I wasn't the loser kid, but I was definitely not the cool kid, not even close. Besides, all the kids who got made fun of the most in my school have turned out to be the most successful. Nerds really do rule the world. (Admit it jocko). Anyways, it just wasn't a great time for me. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. Not that I didn't like my friends, I did, and I do, but are they really my friends anymore. I guess once a friend always a friend, but... you all know what I'm saying.
I'm really into my friends right now, and have no way of knowing if I'll still be really into them in ten years. I know I will be into at least one. I don't know, I just feel like every person I haven't talked to in years and didn't even talk to in high school, wants to be my facebook friend. This is really strange to me. I guess going to the same High School qualifies for a friendship. To those who were the guys I hung out with in High School. I am gladly your friend on facebook. I'm mainly talking about those who I never ever talked to. Weird phenomenon.

1 comment:

Michael Dewalt said...

dude, it is weirder when people i have never meet ask me to be friends and then you see status updates and have no idea who any or your friends are so I never even use it.