Saturday, June 27, 2009

Who goes to heaven?

What kind of person goes to heaven? This question is misleading. It assumes that people go to heaven.  Heaven is simply a reference to space. When God created the heavens and the earth, he created earth and not earth or space. So people never go to heaven. They go to hell, but they do not go to "heaven".  The Bible says that those who overcome inherit the new heaven and the new earth, particularly the new Jerusalem.  That is they live on the new earth. They take view of a new heaven from with the new Jerusalem. It may be that they do not go anywhere. So what we really want to know is not "what kind of person goes to heaven?" but "What kind of person inherits the new earth?" Again the Bibles says those who overcome. What does this mean? I propose that those who overcome are those whose faith means something. They have a faith that is impenetrable, indestructible, and unshakeable in the face of persecution, doubts, and pure temptation to sin.  They have the faith to accept their justification in Christ, while realizing what their commitment to him requires, and having the fortitude to go through with it, so that they can see themselves overcome; their own sin, and the the whole old order of the world.  
The Bible also lists a group of people who do not inherit the new earth. It says that these people are the cowards, the the murderers, the sexually immoral, the liars, the astrologers, the idolaters. But people who have been cowardly go to heaven. but cowards do not go to heaven. People who have murdered, lied, committed sexual immorality, dabbled in the other world, put something or someone before God go to heaven, but not people who can't believe they can be forgiven. People who are decidedly murderers, who think the acts define them, liars, sexual deviants, astrologers, idolaters, people who find it much easier to keep their identity then believe they've been justified by Christ, these  people whose pride forces them to reject grace. They go to hell. 

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